Monday, August 29, 2016

Letter to a friend

Port in Saint Marc
"... It feels sweet here. It has confirmed that He called me and is walking with me through this. He has been working on my mind and spirit. There are no distractions here. Nothing to numb me from the elements of my sin. I can't hide it behind Netflix or social media. I can only hide in my savior.

This past week as I laid in my bed with my big bitten ankles and swollen feet, I looked up at my ceiling and found myself overcome with the goodness of my living Savior in a way I've never experienced.

Throughout my life, there have been countless nights where I stayed up, pleading with God to give me my desires. That night I already had my desire. His presence.

He was the only thing I needed. The only thing I wanted.

Christ as my love. Jesus as my friend. "

Written: 8/20/2016

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